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Dr. Gregory House is head of the Department of Diagnostic Medicine at Princeton-Plainsboro. Dr. House has an extensive understanding of medicine, with an amazing ability to diagnose medical conditions with ease, sometimes just by looking at the patient and their actions. His social life, however, is exactly the opposite. He has been described as misanthrope, but this lack of social connectivity is most likely a willing one.

Sarcastic, cold, snarky, curmudgeonly, logical, combative and clever, witty, misanthropic, egoistic, childish – only a few adjectives to describe him.

Religiously, House refuses to believe in God. Many think that he is just an atheist, but as House’s best friend Wilson describes it – “you just don’t like the fact that there is a higher power over you…so you choose to believe that there isn’t”

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Relationship wise, House has only ever dated a woman named Stacy Warner, a constitutional lawyer, which he met in a paintball tournament which pitted doctors versus lawyers. They lived together for five years. During their relationship, House named Stacy to be his medical proxy. This legal consent came into play when House suffered from an idiosyncratic infarction in the right leg that went undiagnosed for 48 hours. This missed diagnosis by his doctors caused muscle death in his quadriceps. While in pain, House diagnosed an impending heart attack on himself and went into cardiac arrest, and was clinically dead for 60 seconds…The decision of the leg was left on Stacy, who goes with the middle ground between amputation and living with it – forcing House to leave her.

Through the years, House has chosen an elite set of doctors to help him solve the toughest medical abnormalities and most difficult medical cases. House refuses to see the patients at all cost, and his refusal to follow ethics usually works, but occasionally gets his patients or himself in hot water. In a nutshell, he acts like a jerk even when he actually cares about someone . . . .

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- Self-righteousness,sarcasm, stubbornness, cleverness


Signature Looks:

- Blue eyes, Blazer, wrinkled t-shirts, un-ironed polo’s, jeans, sneakers, cane, stylish runners, poor hygiene, stubble, fluffy hair, tired expression of cold irony



- Vicodin addiction, over dependent on the few friends he has, borderline alcoholism and OCD




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